
Amanda Edwards

Summer 2014 Window Mosaic Workshop
Dates: July 19th & 26th, 2014
Place: The studio of Amanda Edwards, at 7 Kettle Cove, Cape Elizabeth Maine

What to Bring

Yourself... and a desire to have some fun! Everything you need will be here for you. If you have something special at home like a cool piece of sea glass, or a gem that holds meaning for you, feel free to bring it along! If you hold it up to the light, and light & color come through it, you can add it to your window!

Your Window Design

There is no need to work on a design for your window prior to coming to the class, but having an idea in your head will allow you more time to work on the glass. No worries though! I will also have designs available for you to choose from here at the studio. If you are would like to start drawing out your own design now, here is the advice I have for you:

* Your piece is 14"x 23". If you draw your idea on a piece of paper that size, then that's one less step you will need to do during the class. You can use any kind of paper (you will lay your paper under the window, so you can see it while you work).

 * If you wish to draw your design before coming to the class, keep your design SIMPLE. There is no need to go into great detail. For the mosaic tree to the right, the only part I drew out before hand was the general tree outline (no leaves, no swirls), so I knew what would look balanced on the window. The rest of the fun details will develop as your piece grows. Planning out too many details can lead to a lot of frustration later. Example: if you are planning on a sun design, your design should be no more detailed than the picture below. What you're looking to do is just give yourself a general idea... the glass design will come to life on it's own as you work.

* When you're trying to think of a design, think of what you love. Do you love the ocean? Why not a mosaic of the ocean & sky? Do you love bright cheerful colors?- then how about a large sun, or burst of vibrant colors? Do you love nature? - then maybe an autumn leaf, or a window full of flowers?  OR... just have fun with something abstract, full of shapes, patterns, and swirling color when you come to the studio, and go where your imagination will take you!
* What ever you do, do not stress about a design! Again, there will be about 10 different design ideas here waiting for you if you do not want to design one before hand.

Where is the studio?

The physical address of the studio is 7 Kettle Cove Road, in Cape Elizabeth Maine, however the driveway for the studio is the first left on Crescent View. Parking is along the road on Crescent View, and is always available. Just take a little walk down the driveway, and follow the signs right in! During the summer months, there is no parking on Kettle Cove Road, due to it's proximity to the beach.

If you get lost along the way, feel free to give me a call: 207-807-9287

Extra Mini-Class

During the second day of class, there will be times that you can not work on your window while you’re waiting for the grout to set. During this time, you’ll have the
option of working on an additional small project: mosaic jewelry making. This extra “mini-class” will have you walking away with either a pair of mosaic earrings, a bracelet, or a pendant necklace. The cost of this mini-class is $35, and includes all of your supplies. You can also take a 5 minute stroll to one of our two beaches to look for sea glass, or get yourself a treat at the cafe next door & relax under one of the umbrellas. No need to decide right now... just know that the choice will be yours! Payment for the mini-class can be either check or cash on the day of the workshop.
There will be some additional fun things that you can purchase to use in your window, all of which will be available for you at the studio.
Agate Slices, $3.50 per slice


More items listed soon!